Maintaining a high level of code quality is an action close to the essence.

Clean code is simple and direct. Clean code read like well-written prose. Clean code can be read. It has unit and acceptance tests. It has meaningful names. It has minimal Dependency. Reduce duplication, high expressiveness, and early building of simple Abstractions.

Test Drive the System Architecture - An optimal system architectures consists of modularized domains of concern, each of which is implemented with Plain Old Java Objects, The different domains are integrated together with minimally invasive Aspects of Aspect-like tools. This architecture can be test-driven, just like the code.

Code Red: The Business Impact of Code Quality - With 15 times fewer defects, twice the development speed, and substantially more predictable issue resolution times, the business advantage of high quality code should be unmistakably clear.

Code Health: Respectful Reviews == Useful Reviews


  • Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship / Robert C. Martin