Reactive Relational Database Connectivity

Picking a database driver and create a R2dbcEntityTemplate instance:

  • Jasync-sql is a Simple, Netty based, asynchronous, performant and reliable database drivers for PostgreSQL and MySQL written in Kotlin.

The Spring Data R2DBC 3.x binaries require:

  • JDK level 17 and above
  • Spring Framework 6.0.11 and above
  • R2DBC and above

Id Generation:

  • Use @Id
  • When your database has an auto-increment column for the ID column, the generated value gets set in the entity after inserting it into the database.
  • Spring Data R2DBC does not attempt to insert values of identifier columns when the entity is new and the identifier value defaults to its initial value. That is 0 for primitive types and null if the identifier property uses a numeric wrapper type such as Long.


  • The @Version annotation provides syntax similar to that of JPA in the context of R2DBC and makes sure updates are only applied to rows with a matching version.



ReactiveAuditorAware with SpringSecurity:

Mapping Configuration:

