designpattern proxy
프록시패턴인데 부가기능 추가 가 목적이다.
Decorator 구현체에 중복되는 기능들이 있을 수 있다. 이러한 기능들을 Decorator 라는 추상 클래스로 만들어 중복을 제거할 수 있는데, Decorator 추상 클래스 내부에서 Component 를 속성으로 가지고 있어야 한다. 이렇게 하면 추가로 클래스 다이어그램에서 어떤 것이 실제 컴포넌트 인지, 데코레이터인지 명확하게 구분할 수 있다. 이것이 바로 GOF 에서 설명하는 데코레이터 패턴이다.
The main components of the decorator pattern are:
- Component: An interface or abstract class that defines the common behavior of the objects that will be decorated. This component can also be a concrete class in some cases.
- Concrete Component: A concrete implementation of the component interface or class. This is the base object that will be decorated with new functionality.
- Decorator: An abstract class or interface that extends or implements the component interface. The decorator class maintains a reference to a component object and delegates the core behavior to that object. Decorators can add or override behavior as needed.
- Concrete Decorator: A concrete implementation of the decorator class that defines the specific additional functionality or behavior to be added to the component.
클래스 기반으로 데코레이터 패턴을 구현할 수 있다.
public class ConcreteLogic {
public String call() {"ConcreteLogic 실행");
return "data";
public class TimeProxy extends ConcreteLogic {
private ConcreteLogic concreteLogic;
public TimeProxy(ConcreteLogic concreteLogic) {
this.concreteLogic = concreteLogic;
public String call() {"TimeDecorator 실행");
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
String result =;
long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
long resultTime = endTime - startTime;"TimeDecorator 종료 resultTime={}ms", resultTime);
return result;
public class ConcreteClient {
private ConcreteLogic concreteLogic;
public ConcreteClient(ConcreteLogic concreteLogic) {
this.concreteLogic = concreteLogic;
public void execute() {;
@DisplayName("구체 클래스 기반 프록시 테스트")
void concreteProxyTest() throws Exception {
ConcreteLogic concreteLogic = new ConcreteLogic();
TimeProxy timeProxy = new TimeProxy(concreteLogic);
ConcreteClient client = new ConcreteClient(timeProxy);
Beverage pricing system
// Component
interface Beverage {
fun getDescription(): String
fun cost(): Double
// Concrete Component
class Coffee : Beverage {
override fun getDescription(): String = "Coffee"
override fun cost(): Double = 1.50
// Another Concrete Component
class Tea : Beverage {
override fun getDescription(): String = "Tea"
override fun cost(): Double = 1.00
// Decorator
abstract class BeverageDecorator(private val beverage: Beverage) : Beverage {
override fun getDescription(): String = beverage.getDescription()
override fun cost(): Double = beverage.cost()
// Concrete Decorator
class Milk(beverage: Beverage) : BeverageDecorator(beverage) {
override fun getDescription(): String = super.getDescription() + ", Milk"
override fun cost(): Double = super.cost() + 0.25
// Another Concrete Decorator
class Sugar(beverage: Beverage) : BeverageDecorator(beverage) {
override fun getDescription(): String = super.getDescription() + ", Sugar"
override fun cost(): Double = super.cost() + 0.15
// Usage
fun main() {
val coffeeWithMilkAndSugar = Sugar(Milk(Coffee()))
println("${coffeeWithMilkAndSugar.getDescription()} costs ${coffeeWithMilkAndSugar.cost()}")
val teaWithMilk = Milk(Tea())
println("${teaWithMilk.getDescription()} costs ${teaWithMilk.cost()}")
Coffee, Milk, Sugar costs 1.9
Tea, Milk costs 1.25