Service Discovery
msa architecture
Service Discovery
Service discovery is a technique for identifying and locating services in a distributed system environment. It enables services to be automatically located, registered and connected to one another, without requiring human intervention or manual configuration.
Benefits of service discovery include:
- Scalability: Service discovery makes it easier to scale systems by allowing services to dynamically discover each other as new instances are added or removed.
- Resilience: Service discovery can help ensure that services continue to function even if individual components fail, by automatically detecting and routing around failures
Netflix Eureka + Spring Cloud Gateway 조합이 좋음. 서비스 디스커버리는 꼭 필요한 경우에 사용. Microservice 수가 적다면 굳이 사용하지 않아도 됨. 운영/유지 비용도 고려해야 함.