Actor Model and Akka
Akka Streams 에서의 Actor Model
Parallelism Models
- Actor Model Erlang, Scala, Rust, Java, .Net
- Communication Sequential Processes (CSP) Golang
- Threads Java, C#, C++, C, and others.
From: Reactive Systems Explained
Actor Model
The actor model concept was introduced by Carl Hewitt, Peter Bishop, and Richard Steiger in 1973 as an architectural foundation 14 | Chapter 3: Your Toolbox to Reactive for artificial intelligence. The model has been refined over the deca‐ des, and many excellent resources on the topic are now available. In the actor model, actors are the fundamental unit of computation, and they have some important qualities that make them especially suitable to a distributed systems environment. First, actors are light‐ weight, loosely coupled, and maintain their own state. Second, message-passing between actors is completely asynchronous and without restriction to message ordering, making computations done throughout a system of actors inherently concurrent. Also, because interaction between actors is limited to message passing, they can be distributed across nodes (servers, virtual machines, containers). The result is a computational model that achieves concurrency, parallel‐ ism, and an inherent ability to scale horizontally. The actor model does require you to think differently in your approach to programming, but there are languages and frameworks to help out.
- Anatomy of Actor Model
Akka is an open source “toolkit for building highly concurrent, dis‐ tributed, and resilient message-driven applications” running on a JVM. In addition to providing a hierarchical actor implementation (essential for failure detection/recovery), Akka includes libraries for actor cluster management, sharding, and persistence (invaluable for distributing applications across compute resources). Let’s go back to our discussion of concurrency, parallelism, and threads. In Akka, a message dispatcher is central to how threads are managed within an actor system. The dispatcher defines the execu‐ tor service to be used, the size of the thread pool, and how many messages an actor may process before it relinquishes a thread. The dispatcher assigns a thread to an actor only when it has a message in its queue. The actor processes the messages and then gives back the thread. The obvious advantage is that threads are consumed only when there is actual work to be done. A less obvious advantage is that idle actors remain in memory, meaning they are immediately available for execution at all times. This presents little impact to sys‐ tem resources given that actors are quite small (less than one kilo‐ byte), even if there are hundreds of thousands of them on a given node. The result is a highly efficient use of processor resources.
From: Akka Docs
Akka Streams
Akka Streams implements the Reactive Streams standard for asynchronous stream processing with non-blocking back pressure.
Since Java 9 the APIs of Reactive Streams has been included in the Java Standard library, under the java.util.concurrent.Flow namespace. For Java 8 there is instead a separate Reactive Streams artifact with the same APIs in the package org.reactivestreams.
Akka streams provides interoperability for both these two API versions, the Reactive Streams interfaces directly through factories on the regular Source and Sink APIs.
- Introduction Reactive System. Akka Actor Model & Akka Modules Fundamental
- Reactive Streams Interop - Akka Doc
- Reactive Systems Explained / Grace Jansen & Peter Gollmar 저 / O'REILLY