
  • Create Efficient Reactive Systems
  • Reactor is a fourth-generation reactive library, based on the Reactive Streams
  • specification, for building non-blocking applications on the JVM


Docs 와 같이 보면 좋을 내용들을 정리

  • reactor.adapter.JdkFlowAdapter: Java9 Flow API 와 Flow 의 상호간 변환을 위한 어댑터
  • reactor.core: Reactor is fully non-blocking and provides efficent demand management. It directly interacts with Java's Functional APIs. CompletableFuture, Stream, Duration.


react.core 에 존재하는 인터페이스.

  • Signatures:
public interface CorePublisher<T>
extends Publisher<T>


  • All publishers created through the Project Reactor library implement the CorePublisher interface.
  • All of the built-in publishers in Project Reactor, such as Mono and Flux, implement the CorePublisher interface, as well as any custom publishers that you may create using the Project Reactor API.


  • subscribe(CoreSubscriber<? super T> subscriber)
  • An internal Publisher.subscribe(Subscriber) that will bypass Hooks.onLastOperator(Function) pointcut.
  • In addition to behave as expected by Publisher.subscribe(Subscriber) in a controlled manner, it supports direct subscribe-time Context passing.

CorePublisher 에서 주의 깊게 볼만한 부부은 onLastOperatorContext Passing 이다.


먼저 onLastOperator 를 살펴보면 다음과 같다.

import reactor.core.publisher.Flux;
import reactor.core.publisher.Hooks;

public class OnLastOperatorExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Hooks.onLastOperator("myHook", (publisher, coreSubscriber) -> {
            System.out.println("Last operator is " + publisher.getClass().getSimpleName());
            return coreSubscriber;

        Flux.range(1, 10)
                .map(i -> i * 2)
                .filter(i -> i % 3 == 0)

In this example, we are using the Hooks.onLastOperator method to register a callback that will be executed when the last operator in the pipeline is executed. The callback simply prints out the name of the last operator.

Then, we create a simple reactive stream pipeline using the Flux class, which emits numbers from 1 to 10, multiplies them by 2, and then filters out any numbers that are not divisible by 3. Finally, we subscribe to the pipeline and print out the results.

When we run this code, we should see the following output:

Last operator is FilterFuseable

This shows that the Filter operator was the last operator in the pipeline, and that it emitted the numbers 6, 12, and 18.

The onLastOperator hook is a global hook in the Project Reactor library, which means that it will apply to all publishers in your application, regardless of where they are created or how they are used.

ProjectReactor 를 통해 생성되는 모든 Publisher 들은, onLastOperator hook 에 의해 동작함.

Last Operator 콜백을 등록하면 반응형 스트림 파이프라인이 생성되고 파이프라인의 마지막 연산자가 실행될 때마다 콜백이 실행됨. 이는 Mono, Flux 및 사용자가 생성할 수 있는 다른 사용자 정의 게시자와 같은 모든 유형의 게시자에 적용됨.

Context passing

Context passing 은 다음과 같다.

Flux.just("Hello", "world")
  .subscriberContext(Context.of("user", "john.doe"))

In this example, we are creating a simple Flux that emits two strings, "Hello" and "world". We then use the map operator to convert the strings to uppercase. Finally, we use the subscriberContext method to attach a Context object to the stream with a key of "user" and a value of "john.doe".

This context can then be accessed by any operator in the stream using the Context class:

Flux.just("Hello", "world")
.map(s -> s + " " + s.toUpperCase())
.map(s -> s + " by " + s.concat(Mono.subscriberContext().get("user")))

In this example, we are using the map operator to first concatenate each string with its uppercase version, and then to concatenate it with the value stored in the user key in the Context object.

Context passing is a powerful feature of reactive programming that allows you to propagate important context information throughout the stream, making it available to all operators in the stream. This can simplify your code and make it easier to work with reactive streams.

그러나 subscriberContext 가 deprecated 된 것으로 보인다. 대신 Mono.deferContextual(Mono::just) 를 사용하면 된다.

Mono.subscriberContext methods are deprecated, but javadoc do not describe use what to replace them #2572



public interface CoreSubscriber<T>
extends Subscriber<T>


  • default currentContext()
  • void onSubscribe(Subscription s)
    • Implementors should initialize any state used by Subscriber.onNext(Object) before calling Subscription.request(long).
    • 해석하면 .. 구현자는 Subscription.request(long)를 호출하기 전에 Subscriber.onNext(Object)에서 사용하는 모든 상태를 초기화해야 한다. 즉, Subscriber.onNext(Object) 에서 사용되는 상태 를 초기화 해야한다는 의미.
public class AccumulatingSubscriber<T> implements Subscriber<T> {
    private Subscription subscription;
    private int accumulator; // Value initialized to zero(0) by Constructor.

    public void onSubscribe(Subscription subscription) {
        this.subscription = subscription;

    public void onNext(T item) {
        // Accumulate the value of the item
        accumulator += (Integer) item; // accumulator is state in AccumulatingSubscriber Class

    public void onError(Throwable t) {
        // Handle errors

    public void onComplete() {
        // Perform some operation on the accumulated value
        System.out.println("Accumulated value: " + accumulator);

In this example, the AccumulatingSubscriber class initializes an instance variable called accumulator in the constructor. This variable is used to store the accumulated value of the items that the subscriber receives. In the onNext method, the value of each item is added to the accumulator, and then the next item is requested. Finally, in the onComplete method, the accumulated value is printed out.

Before calling subscription.request(1) in the onSubscribe method, the AccumulatingSubscriber class has already initialized the accumulator variable to a valid starting value (in this case, zero). This ensures that the subscriber is in a valid state to start receiving items from the publisher.



public interface Disposable


  • Indicates that a task or resource can be cancelled/disposed.


  • void dispose(): Cancel or dispose the underlying task or resource. 리소스 해제 역할을 담당
  • default boolean isDisposed(): Optionally return true when the resource or task is disposed.

cancelling and disposing:

In reactive programming, "cancelling" and "disposing" are often used interchangeably to mean that a task or resource should be cleaned up and released. However, there can be some subtle differences in how the terms are used depending on the context.

In general, "cancelling" is often used to refer to stopping an ongoing computation or operation. For example, when you call the cancel method on a subscription to a publisher, you are telling the publisher to stop sending any more items to the subscriber. Similarly, when you cancel a running thread or task, you are telling it to stop executing its work and clean up any resources it has allocated.

On the other hand, "disposing" is often used to refer to cleaning up and releasing resources that were acquired by an object. For example, when you dispose of an object that implements the AutoCloseable interface, you are telling it to release any resources that it was holding, such as file handles, network connections, or database connections. Similarly, when you dispose of an object that is no longer needed, you are telling the system to release any memory or other resources that it was using.

In some cases, the terms "cancelling" and "disposing" can be used interchangeably, especially if the task or resource in question involves both ongoing computation and acquired resources. For example, if you have a long-running task that is reading from a network connection, you might use the term "cancelling" to refer to stopping the task and the term "disposing" to refer to releasing the network connection.

In summary, "cancelling" and "disposing" are often used interchangeably to mean cleaning up and releasing resources, but there can be some subtle differences in how the terms are used depending on the context.

Publisher 의 subscribe 메서드를 호출한다고 dispose 되는 것은 아님

When you call the subscribe() method on a Subscriber, the Disposable that is returned allows you to cancel or dispose of the subscription at a later time. It does not necessarily mean that the resource is immediately released as soon as you call subscribe().

In reactive programming, the Disposable interface is used to allow the user to release resources that were acquired by a subscription. The Disposable interface has a dispose() method that can be called to release any resources that were acquired by the subscription. The subscribe() method returns a Disposable so that the user can keep track of the subscription and release any acquired resources when they are no longer needed.

Here is an example that demonstrates how to use the Disposable interface to release resources acquired by a subscription:

Disposable disposable = somePublisher.subscribe(someSubscriber);

// ...

// When you are done with the subscription, call dispose() to release any acquired resources

놀랍게도 Spring WebFlux 를 사용하면, Spring WebFlux 엔드포인트 핸들러 메서드에서 Mono 또는 Flux 를 반환하면 프레임워크가 사용자를 대신하여 Mono 또는 Flux를 구독하고 응답이 클라이언트로 전송될 때 구독을 자동으로 폐기 한다. 즉, Mono 또는 Flux 에서 획득한 리소스를 해제하기 위해 dispose() 메서드를 수동으로 호출할 필요가 없다.

// No need to deal with code for resource release.
public Mono<User> getUserById(@PathVariable String id) {
    return userRepository.findById(id);

Spring WebFlux 에 의해 내부적으로 처리되는 작업:

  1. onSubscribe and request: 클라이언트가 Mono 객체를 구독할 때(일반적으로 응답을 작성할 때 Spring WebFlux 에 의해 암묵적으로 수행됨) Mono<User> 객체의 구독 메서드가 호출되며, 이는 다시 구독자의 onSubscribe 메서드를 호출한다. 구독자의 onSubscribe 메서드는 구독의 request(1) 메서드를 호출하여 Mono<User> 개체가 하나의 항목을 내보내도록 요청한다.
  2. onNext: Mono<User> 개체가 항목(즉, User 개체)을 내보내는 경우, 내보낸 User 개체를 사용하여 구독자의 onNext 메서드가 호출된다. 이 때 사용자 개체가 JSON 으로 직렬화되어 응답 본문의 클라이언트로 다시 전송된다.
  3. dispose: 모든 작업이 끝나고 Spring WebFlux 가 리소스를 해제한다.

In this example, the getUserById method returns a Mono<User> that is obtained from a userRepository instance. When the endpoint is called, Spring WebFlux will automatically subscribe to the Mono and return the User object to the client. After the response has been sent, Spring WebFlux will automatically dispose of the subscription, which means that any resources that were acquired by the Mono will be released.

Similarly, you can return a Flux from a Spring WebFlux endpoint handler method, and Spring WebFlux will take care of disposing the subscription when the response has been sent to the client.

In summary, in Spring WebFlux, you don't have to explicitly dispose of a Mono or Flux because the framework will handle it for you automatically. When you return a Mono or Flux from an endpoint handler method, Spring WebFlux will automatically subscribe to it, send the response to the client, and dispose of the subscription when the response has been sent.

How to cancelling ?

Example 1: Using a Disposable

Disposable disposable = somePublisher.subscribe(someSubscriber);

// ...

// When you are done with the subscription, call dispose() to cancel it

Example 2: Using a Subscription

Subscription subscription = somePublisher.subscribe(someSubscriber);

// ...

// When you are done with the subscription, call cancel() to cancel it
subscription.cancel(); // 구독 취소

Example 3: Using a Disposable from a Flux

Flux<Integer> flux = Flux.range(1, 10);
Disposable disposable = flux.subscribe(
    value -> System.out.println("Received value: " + value),
    error -> System.err.println("Error: " + error),
    () -> System.out.println("Subscription complete")

// ...

// When you want to cancel the subscription, call dispose() on the Disposable



public interface Fuseable


  • A micro API for stream fusion, in particular marks producers that support a Fuseable.QueueSubscription.

Mono 의 just 메서드 또는 Flux 의 range 메서드 등의 구현을 보면 Fuseable 인터페이스를 구현하고 있다. Fuseable 인터페이스를 구현하면 Stream 작업을 융합할 수 있다.

Mono<Integer> mono = Mono.just(1)
        .map(i -> i * 2)
        .filter(i -> i % 3 == 0)
        .map(i -> i / 3)

if (mono instanceof Fuseable) {
    System.out.println("Fuseable supported");
    Mono<Integer> fusedMono = mono
            .map(i -> i * 100)
            .map(i -> i / 100)
} else {
    System.out.println("Fuseable not supported");

Flux<Integer> flux = Flux.range(1, 5)
        .map(i -> i * 10)
        .filter(i -> i % 20 == 0)
        .map(i -> i / 20)

if (flux instanceof Fuseable) {
    System.out.println("Fuseable supported");
    Flux<Integer> fusedFlux = flux
            .map(i -> i * 100)
            .map(i -> i / 100)
} else {
    System.out.println("Fuseable not supported");



public interface Signal<T>
extends Supplier<T>, Consumer<Subscriber<? super T>>


  • A domain representation of a Reactive Stream signal. There are 4 distinct signals and their possible sequence is defined as such: onError | (onSubscribe onNext* (onError | onComplete)?)
    • onError, onSubscribe, onComplete, onNext 는 Subscriber Interface 의 API 이다.

Combining multiple streams: In this example, we have two Flux streams that we want to combine into a single stream using the zip() operator. We also want to log each Signal in the resulting stream:

Flux<Integer> stream1 = Flux.just(1, 2, 3);
Flux<String> stream2 = Flux.just("A", "B", "C");, stream2)
    .doOnNext(signal -> {
        System.out.println("Received signal " + signal);

Handling errors: In this example, we have a Mono stream that may emit an error signal. We want to log the error if it occurs, and then continue processing the stream as normal:

    .map(s -> Integer.parseInt(s))
    .doOnNext(signal -> {
        if (signal.isOnError()) {
            Throwable error = signal.getThrowable();
            System.out.println("Error occurred: " + error);
    .onErrorResume(e -> Mono.empty())

Using Signal in custom operators: You can also use Signal to implement custom operators that work with the metadata of the stream. For example, the following operator takes a Flux of Signals, filters out any onNext() signals with a value less than 0, and then converts the resulting Signals back into onNext() events:

Flux<Integer> stream = Flux.just(1, -2, 3, -4, 5);

    .filter(signal -> {
        if (signal.isOnNext()) {
            Integer value = (Integer) signal.get();
            return value >= 0;
        } else {
            return true;



public interface FluxSink<T>


  • Wrapper API around a downstream Subscriber for emitting any number of next signals followed by zero or one onError/onComplete.

OverflowStrategy: Backpressure 를 위한 전략

Overflow strategy is a concept in Project Reactor that defines how to handle situations when the downstream subscriber of a reactive stream is unable to keep up with the rate at which events are being emitted.

The basic strategy is to define what should happen when the buffer used to hold emitted events is full. There are several different overflow strategies that you can use, and the choice of strategy depends on the requirements of your specific use case.

  • BUFFER: In this strategy, the emitted events are buffered in a queue until the downstream subscriber can consume them. This is the default strategy for most reactive streams in Project Reactor.
  • DROP: In this strategy, any emitted event that cannot be immediately consumed by the downstream subscriber is dropped.
  • LATEST: In this strategy, any emitted event that cannot be immediately consumed by the downstream subscriber replaces the previous un-consumed event in the buffer. This ensures that the most recent event is always available for consumption.
  • ERROR: In this strategy, an error is thrown when the buffer is full and the downstream subscriber cannot consume any more events.
  • IGNORE: In this strategy, any emitted event that cannot be immediately consumed by the downstream subscriber is ignored. This can lead to loss of data.

The choice of overflow strategy depends on the requirements of your specific use case. For example, if you want to ensure that the most recent event is always available for consumption, you can use the LATEST strategy. If you want to avoid loss of data, you can use the BUFFER strategy. If you want to avoid buffering and drop any un-consumed events, you can use the DROP strategy.

만약, BUFFER Overflow Strategy 를 사용하는 경우 (기본 전략이긴 함) Queue 가 가득차면 어떤 현상이 발생할까 ?

프로젝트 리액터에서 버퍼 오버플로 전략을 사용할 때, 방출된 이벤트를 유지하는 데 사용되는 대기열이 가득 차서 다운스트림 가입자가 방출 속도를 따라가지 못할 경우, 동작은 생산자가 동기식인지 비동기식인지에 따라 달라진다.

동기식 생산자의 경우, 생산자는 대기열에 사용 가능한 공간이 있을 때까지 차단한다. 즉, 대기열이 가득 차면 공간을 사용할 수 있게 될 때까지 생성자가 이벤트 전송을 중지한다. 다운스트림 가입자도 대기열이 지워지기를 기다리는 경우 이로 인해 교착 상태가 발생할 수 있다.

비동기 생산자의 경우 생산자는 계속해서 이벤트를 방출하지만, 대기열이 가득 차면 추가로 방출된 이벤트는 메모리에서 버퍼링된다. 이로 인해 메모리 사용량이 증가하고 버퍼가 너무 커지면 메모리 부족 오류가 발생할 수 있다.

이러한 문제를 방지하려면 특정 사용 사례의 요구 사항에 따라 적절한 오버플로 전략을 사용하는 것이 중요다. 예를 들어, 동기화된 생산자와 함께 작업하는 경우 차단할 여유가 없는 경우 DROP 또는 ERROR 와 같은 다른 오버플로 전략을 사용하는 것을 고려할 수 있다. 또는 비동기 생산자와 함께 작업하는 경우 과도한 메모리 사용을 방지하려면 버퍼 크기가 제한된 버퍼 전략을 사용하는 것을 고려할 수 있다.

Spring WebFlux Default Overflow Strategy:

  • Spring WebFlux 에서 사용하는 기본 전략은 BUFFER_OVERFLOW 이다. 이 전략은 특정 지점까지 이벤트를 버퍼링한 다음 용량에 도달하면 버퍼에서 가장 오래된 이벤트를 삭제하기 시작한다.

LATEST 전략을 사용하는 경우:

Flux.create(sink -> {
    for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
        sleep(1000); // simulate a slow producer;
}, OverflowStrategy.LATEST)

// Output: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

만약, sleep(1000) 메서드를 삭제한다면 그만 큼 버퍼가 빨리 채워지고, 버퍼가 가득차면 최신 이벤트를 제외하고 나머지를 삭제하므로 아래와 같은 결과가 나올 수 있다.

// Output: 10


Mono 는 0 or 1개의 아이템만 방출하기 때문에 OverflowStrategy 가 필요 없다.

The MonoSink either emits a single item, or none at all, so there is no risk of overflowing a buffer.

Therefore, MonoSink does not have an overflow strategy property. It only has the success() and error(Throwable) methods for emitting a single success value or an error respectively.