
Defactoring is Reducing Cognitive Load by Removing Unnecessary Abstraction. Good Abstractions are a matter of balance. Defactoring technically is still refactoring, but it involves reversing a refactoring.

Reversals of our previous refactorings:

  • Extract Method -> Inline Method
  • Extract Variable -> Inline Variable
  • Extract Class -> Inline Class
  • Introduce Field -> Inline Field
  • Introduce Parameter -> Inline Parameter

Defactoring by Inlineing:

// AS-IS
fun addParens(value: String): String {
  val str = "($value)"
  return str

// TO-BE
fun addParens(value: String) = "($value)"

Refactoring is a controlled technique for improving the design of an existing code base. Its essence is applying a series of small behavior-preserving transformations, each of which "too small to be worth doing".

Factoring is “God Object,” and breaking it out into various entities with individual responsibilities.